Alright friends, we’re back with another post to show you what we’re doing at home to promote education and awareness on racial diversity in our homes. I’m going to show you another book that we have on our shelf that Addison enjoys. Hopefully you guys love books as much as we do, because this is where we’ve really leaned in to educating at home. Maybe one of these days, we’ll switch it up, but Addison loves reading. So, we are going to continue to meet her where her little passion lies.
So, this week, we’re sharing one of our book finds, which happens to be a shortened version of the classic The Wizard of Oz. But in this version, all of the characters- Dorothy, Aunt Em, Uncle Henry, even Toto if you’re being real knit-picky, are POC. The version we have on our bookshelf is based on the book by L. Frank Baum and illustrated by Carly Gledhill.
We subscribe to Amazon’s book box, which in case you hadn’t been made aware of yet, we HIGHLY recommend. This is one that showed up in one of our book boxes a few months back and we’re SO happy it did.
To give you more information on the book box, you sign up for the age range of your child and pick the frequency of how often you want a box (1 month, 2 months or 3 months). They send you an email with your upcoming month’s books and give you the chance to go through and swap out the ones you either don’t want or already have with a select few replacements.
I’ll be honest, when we got the email about what was coming in this box, we decided this version of The Wizard of Oz was staying put. This was mainly because it showcases the main characters to be characters that look different than the people in our house.
What other books do you guys love that do this? What are you guys doing to educate your children about different races? We love suggestions, so please feel free to leave them in the comment box below!
And if you’re intrigued….
Interested in adding The Wizard of Oz to your bookshelf? Find it here, AND if you’re an Amazon Prime member, get it in 2 days or less (mine says that we can get it tomorrow!)!
Interested in the Amazon Prime Book Box? We love it. And if you or your little love books, we know you will too. Check it out here!