I recently bought a Recovery Stick for Addison because we are in that phase of life where we run headfirst into things for fun. And we are also learning the ropes of walking, which right now really means, we are learning the ropes of falling.
The Recovery Stick is made of all-natural ingredients (arnica, lavender, vitamin E, cocoa butter, beeswax and shea butter) which I love because Addison has really sensitive skin. I was worried about using it on her at first, but after over a week, she hasn’t had a reaction to it anywhere we’ve applied it. We chalk this up to a HUGE win in our house.
Addison loves it too! If she falls and bumps her head or her knee, we will grab the stick and she will “apply” it herself. It’s honestly one of the cutest things I’ve witnessed. If we ask her if she has a boo boo, she knows exactly what to do to make it better.
Since purchasing it, we have started making it part of our nightly routine before we put our jammies on. We inspect her arms, legs and face together and make sure we get each boo boo with the Recovery Stick. Once mama or dada have had a chance to do it, Addison gets a turn to make sure we did a good enough job.
But the best thing is, it’s not JUST for your littles. Although the reason I originally purchased it was 100% for miss Addison, after we had had it for a little while, I managed to scratch the crap out of my face. I mean like really scratch it. Like I had gotten in a fight with a hungry mountain lion scratch it. Long story short: I was sitting on the couch and felt what I thought was a dry patch of skin on my nose, so I picked it off. And just kept picking it off because it never seemed to end. Turns out, it wasn’t a dry patch at all… I took the top layer of my skin off and gave myself a big ol’ raw scratch right across my nose. It was not pretty. I tried putting moisturizer and a soothing lotion on it right after I did it but that did absolutely nothing.
My husband suggested I put some of the Recovery Stick on it the next night before bed. I hadn’t even thought of it but immediately did it after his suggestion. It only took two days for my skin to look totally normal again after using it every night before bed.
Plus, it’s a small, local (Texas) business and I love that, especially these days. Anything we can do to help local shops, we will!
So, if you guys are looking for something that helps with bruising, dry skin or scratches and scabs, for you or your kiddos, I want to throw the Recovery Stick into the ring! We have really loved it, and I know if you guys give it a try, you will too!
Have we convinced you? Are you ready to give it a go? Visit their website and order yours today: https://www.recoverystick.net/